

Our courses are designed to teach you the skills that should be taught in school or uni but aren’t.

And 'cause we know you're busy, we keep it light + fun and at under 10 minutes a day.



Our courses are designed to teach you the skills that should be taught in school or uni but aren’t.

And 'cause we know you're busy, we keep it light + fun and at under 10 minutes a day.

Salary Negotiation System

The ultimate course for women who want to negotiate their salary 💸 Includes: Salary Negotiation System workbook, Mindset Shift Method + Perfect Pitch Plan, and more!

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5-Day Confidence Bootcamp

This 5-day course will jump-start your confidence and help you become your most unapologetic self. Rated 9.1/10 by our community.

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How to Thrive while Working from Home

A 5-day course and personal workbook to equip you with the skills + tools to make you more resilient, productive, and happy while working remotely.

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Learn to Set Boundaries Like a Pro

A 3-week course designed to help you identify your boundaries, communicate them to others, and know what to do and say when someone crosses them.

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